Feeling,, after years of floating in nothingness,
befalls the body as a floating in everythingness.
It is an overwhelming sensation that the mind mistakes for confusion while the body sees as clear and defined in it’s asking for all sensations to be immediately addressed and resolved.
Feeling, after not feeling, causes one to laugh and cry all at once while roaming in a state of madness and clarity under torrential rains that carry with them the very bolts of lightning that could strike you down,
or revive you.
Reconfiguring North
As long as I know where North is, I can turn myself to explore between latitudes and just off longitudes. Recalibrating mentally as I continue floating aimlessly in search of
new spaces that do not face up.
Although in liquid, North will always be.
The Beautiful Unknown
As we journey, we experience a continually changing and shifting series of images that give us our scenery, the players, and the plots which are determined within a great improvisation.
At first we do not know this.
That it is improvised.
Pre writing the script only ruins the wonder and beauty of a journey that is intended to be fueled by in-the-moment calls and responses, actions and reactions in real time.
To not fear the unknown; a jolt of love, the pain of loss, is to not have had fear imposed upon you.
Imagine that.
How bitter sweet to just now arrive at this understanding.
How we ruin our children when we don’t reveal this to them sooner.
That it is beautiful improvisation.